Placing your loved one in a nursing home is often a hard decision. You hope that they will be well taken care of, but the truth is that many nursing homes are understaffed and do not perform proper vetting processes …
rious trend of failing sanitation standards in many nursing homes in California. This has resulted in a disturbing rise in infections. When federal regulators fail to punish nursing homes for not keeping our loved ones safe, perhaps it is time …
Nursing homes are allowed to evict or discharge residents who cannot pay and no longer need their care. There are certain procedures they must legally follow to perform this discharge, however, including written notice with enough time for the resident …
Eviction is one of the biggest threats that can be used against residents in a nursing home or elder care facility. When confronted with having to find a new place to live, some people will simply back down and dismiss …
If your elderly loved one is being abused or mistreated, learn how our attorney can help you. You can reach us by calling (562) 372-6904 or using the form below.
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